The Alliance for Better Education champions school choice, advocating for diverse educational options like charter schools, private schools, public correspondence schools, and homeschooling. We aim to provide equitable funding and support for these alternatives, ensuring all students in Alaska have access to high-quality education tailored to their needs.

Charter Schools
A Harvard study shows Alaska's charter schools lead the nation. Governor Dunleavy supports expanding them, but special interests blocked these efforts despite existing waitlists.
Homeschooling allows families to tailor education to their children's needs, interests, and learning styles. In Alaska, parents receive support and resources to ensure a safe, enriching environment, fostering a love of learning and critical thinking. This approach prepares children for future success.
School Choice
School choice lets families select the best educational setting—public, charter, private, or homeschooling. This empowers parents to find schools that match their values and their child's needs, ensuring a better educational experience and future success.

Get Involved!

Sign our petition to support education reform in Alaska. Join us in advocating for diverse educational options to meet the needs of all students. Your support can help create a more adaptable and effective education system for our children’s future.